1. For the purpose of these Terms & Conditions the following words shall have the following meanings:
(a) "The Company" shall mean Ltd.
(b) "The Customer" shall mean the person or organisation for which the Company agrees to carry out works & supply materials (the person ordering the works).
(c) "The Operative" or "Engineer" shall mean the representative appointed by the Company.
2. The Company reserves the right to refuse or decline work at its own discretion. Where the Company agrees to carry out works for the Customer those works shall be undertaken by the designated operative of The Company at its absolute discretion.
3. HOURLY RATE WORK. The Customer shall only be charged for the time spent related to the Customer's work, including fetching of materials to complete the works.
4. Where a written estimate has been supplied to the Customer the total charge to the Customer referred to in the estimate may be revised in the following circumstances:
(i) If after submission of the estimate the Customer instructs the Company (whether orally or in writing) to carry out additional works not referred to in the estimate.
(ii) If after submission of the estimate there is an increase in the price of materials.
(iii) If after submission of the estimate it is discovered that further works need to be carried out which were not anticipated when the estimate was prepared.
(iv) if after submission of the estimate it is discovered that there was a manifest error when the estimate was prepared.
4a. Estimates have the following terms applied to them:
(i) Where estimated materials are more than £500, The Customer shall pay for the materials in full before works will commence.
(ii) All estimates unless otherwise stated are subject to VAT at the standard rates.
(iii) Please allow 7 days for delivery of materials after the materials have been paid for.
5. The Company shall not be under any obligation to provide an estimate to the Customer & shall only be bound (subject as hereinafter) by estimates given in writing to the Customer & signed by a duly authorised representative of the Company. The Company shall not be bound by any estimates given orally or in which manifest errors occur.)
6. Invoices are due for payment immediately upon delivery to the Customer unless otherwise stated. Any part of that invoice which remains late & unpaid shall carry interest at the rate of 4% over the base rate until payment in full is received by the Company. The charges are not automatically applied, but applied by the sole discretion of the company.
(i) All materials are the property of The Company until the invoice has been paid in full.
(ii) EIC (Electrical Installation Certificates) Certificates will only be handed over on final payment and funds clearing in our bank account.
7. Where the date &/or time for works to be carried out is agreed by the Company with the Customer, then the Company shall use its best endeavours to ensure that the operative shall attend on the date & at the time agreed. However, the Company accepts no liability in respect of the non-attendance or late attendance on site of the operative/engineer or for the late or non-delivery of materials.
8. If the Customer cancels their instructions prior to any work being carried out or materials supplied then the Customer shall be liable for any related expenditure by the Company had the work been carried out &/or materials supplied in accordance with such instructions. The customer will also be liable for any time spent on site, meetings, and attendance before the work was cancelled. This may be deducted from any deposits or invoiced should the balance be above or outstanding. The Company Shall bill for time in accordance with the following rates
(a) Electricians £75 per hour Ex Vat.
(b) Engineers £90 per hour Ex Vat.
(c) Directors £150 Per hour Ex Vat.
(d) Design Time £140 per hour Ex Vat.
(e) Administration Time £110 per hour Ex Vat
(f) Project Management Time £125 Per Hour Ex Vat.
(g) Administration Time £90 Per Hour Ex Vat.
9. If, after the Company shall have carried out the works, the Customer is not wholly satisfied with the works then the Customer shall give notice in writing within 12 months to the Company & shall afford the Company, and its insurers, the opportunity of both inspecting such works, & carrying out any necessary remedial works if appropriate. The Customer accepts that if he fails to notify the Company as aforesaid, then the Company shall not be liable in respect of any defects in the works carried out.
10. The Guarantee shall be for labour only in respect of faulty workmanship for 12 months from the date of completion with the manufacturer’s warranty in force. The Guarantee will become null & void if the work/appliance completed/supplied by the Company is:
(a) Subject to misuse or negligence.
(b) Repaired, modified or tampered with by anyone other than a Company operative. The Company will accept no liability for, or guarantee suitability, materials supplied by the Customer & will accept no liability for any consequential damage or fault.))
11. Where the Company agrees to carry out works on installations of inferior quality or over ten years old at that date no warranty is given in respect of such works & the Company accepts no liability in respect of the effectiveness of such works or otherwise.
12. The Company shall not be liable for any delay or for the consequences of any delay in performing any of its obligations if such delay is due to any cause whatsoever beyond its reasonable control, & the Company shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of the time for performing such obligations.
13. Site alarm installation:
A site alarm installation is for a basic alarm system that will alert The Customer or a person/s selected by The Customer (when specified in the estimate stage) but will not be connected to any monitoring station or red care devices.
The site alarm will be a basic deterrent with the function of sounding a siren only. The Company will not be held responsible for any claims that may arise from loss of materials, earnings, time, tools, or similar. A site alarm is not to be used for insurance purposes as it is a basic form of alarm with no alarm grading system attached.
Where false alarms or damage is caused by others we will attach our standard call out fee and hourly rate. Additional items will also be billed.
14.Site Safe Installations and Strip outs:
Site Safe installations and strip outs are part of the special locations section in the BS7671, we attach special considerations to our terms when this work is carried out for safety to others, which include:
(i) No other contractor, sub-contractor, trades, or person will use the site safe system until our work is complete and we have instructed (in writing) The Customer it is safe to do so, it is the duty of The Customer to make sure all other trades and persons do not interfere or use the installation until it is safe to do so.
(ii) No other contractor or sub-contractor will interfere with our site safe works without permission from The Company (which will include in writing your risk assessments, method statements, and formal qualifications for such works.
(iii) The Company will not be held responsible for any alterations, additions, interference from other trades to our systems in place and we will not be liable for any damages.
(iv) The Company will not be held responsible for any alterations, additions, interference from other trades to our systems in place and we will not be liable for any damages.
(v) All Plant, Hires, and accessories are property of The Company unless stated otherwise in writing. The Customer agrees to replace any damaged items or be billed in full for broken, damaged items. Where items are hired The Customer agrees to pay in full monthly the agreed hire amount plus any VAT, The Customer also agrees that in the event of failure to pay the monthly hire rental on time that they will be liable for any late payments or charges that The Company incur.
(vi) The Company will be alerted immediately (in writing) in the event of any site safe failures, breakdowns and general problems. The Company will be allowed a grace period of 5 working days from the date alerted (in writing) to arrange any replacements, new hires or repair work. We will not be held accountable for any time delays, damages, or other charges in this grace period.
The Company will respond in writing with a time and date within the grace period when we can arrange an engineer should this time and date not be accepted our grace period will be extended to accommodate a time and date acceptable by both The Customer and The Company.
Where a contract / work incorporates a valuation, The Company reserve the right to suspend operations or remove staff from active roles if they payment is not received within seven working days of the invoice sent date. Cheques must arrive within two working days to allow for a 5 day clearence into our account.
16. These terms & conditions may not be released, discharges, supplemented, interpreted, varied or modified in any manner except by an instrument in writing signed by a duly authorised representative of the Company & by the Customer. Further, these terms & conditions shall prevail over any terms & conditions used by the Customer or contained or set out or referred to in any documentation sent by the Customer to the Company; by entering into a contract with the Company the Customer agrees irrevocably to waive the application of any such terms & conditions.
17. These terms where last updated on 05 of September 2021.
Please print a copy for your records
Copyright Londonelectricals Ltd 2022